Tshwane March for Climate, Jobs and a Just Recovery

Young people and school children around the world have been striking from school and rising up demanding climate justice - demanding that their future not be condemned to the ravages of climate chaos. They are calling on us to join them for a Global Day of Climate Action on September 25th.

We, as the Climate Justice Coalition, call on the people of South Africa to answer the youth’s call and rise for climate justice across the country. Take action where and how you safely can, given COVID-19. If you can, please join us for a socially distant, regulation compliant, mask-wearing march from the Union Buildings to the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy to the Minister of Finance’s office.

For organisations and people wanting to help plan and mobilise, or in need of transport assistance, please contact Climate Justice Coalition secretary Alex Lenferna, [email protected], 073-695-9164. Below are more details about the reason we are marching where we are, and some of the demands for climate justice we will be taking to the respective government offices.

South Africa is the biggest climate polluter on the African continent - one of the world’s most polluting & unequal economies. We are simultaneously faced with the interconnected crises of climate change, COVID-19, unemployment, poverty, GBV, & inequality. We must demand solutions to these crises that transform our economy to a socially & ecologically just future.

To escape our load-shedding nightmare, we need a rapid & just transition to renewable energy, providing clean, safe, & affordable energy for all, with no worker & community left behind. Rather than expensive, polluting, & unreliable coal, fossil gas & nuclear, we need a Green New Eskom, more socially owned renewable energy, and a domestic green industrialisation program. All communities deserve free, prior and informed consent and the right to say no!

As the impacts of a COVID-19-deepened recession hit, we must reject devastating austerity measures, which will further impoverish our communities. As the Cry of the Xcluded demands, instead we must invest in a radical Green New Deal to transform our society and put millions of people to work building a socially & environmentally just, zero carbon economy. This is one of the greatest opportunities to build a better South Africa that works for the many, not just the few. It's time to reignite the call for One Million Climate Jobs!

We need deep transformation to keep warming from crossing the dangerous threshold of 1.5°C. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change tells us that will “require rapid & far-reaching transitions” across society. If we do not ensure a green & just recovery from COVID-19, studies tell us it will be too late to keep warming to 1.5 C. We must act now.

A just recovery to COVID-19 is not just about tackling pollution. It’s also about investing in a robust social safety net & service delivery, so our people can weather the coming climate crises & not fall through the widening gaps in our society. For a more just & climate resilient society, we need quality healthcare, jobs, education, water, basic income, energy, transit, & land for all.

COVID-19 is linked to the ecological crisis, as ecological degradation & climate change make pandemics more likely. We must support vital frontline healthcare workers, teachers & care workers. Their low-carbon work is key to tackling this crisis and to a more socially & ecologically just future. We stand in solidarity with their demands for proper PPE & compensation for their vital undervalued work.

Gender, racial, social, economic, immigrant, energy & environmental justice must be at the heart of our climate justice transformation. If we are to overcome the power of polluters & corrupted politicians blocking action on climate justice, it will take all of us fighting together. So we call on you to join us and march for climate, jobs, and a just recovery, before it’s too late. Amandla!

You can spread the word and invite your friends on Facebook too: https://www.facebook.com/events/234464291213215
Starts on
Friday, 25 September 2020 at 10:00 AM SAST
Ends on
Friday, 25 September 2020 at 1:00 PM SAST
Union Building Park
Pretoria, GP, 0002
South Africa
Get Directions
