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To: SAPS Eastern Cape, Lieut-Gen Lillian Mene, National Police Commissioner Fannie Masemola , Minister of Police Senzo Mchunu

Investigate Bizana Police Station for corruption

We demand that the Eastern Cape Provincial Police Commissioner, the National Police Commissioner and Minister of Police to: 

  • Investigate the station Commander for corruption on drug and murder related cases,
  • Investigate why crime in Bizana keeps increasing and many cases remain unresolved 
  • Place Bizana Police Station under new administration

We have rising levels of serious crime, drug use and incidents of murder and rape which have not been solved. Just in the month of July we had 2 major shootouts including policeman that were shot dead and injured in town [1], and an assassination of one of the local business people at his home. Just 2 days ago, 2 people were gunned down assassination style while driving on the R61 in the area of Magusheni.

In addition to this there has been widely reported cases of corruption by police in Bizana one incident happened in October 2022 where a victim of hijacking "received a call from a person who introduced themselves as a police official from Mbizana Police Station. The said police officer alleged that a firearm linked to multiple murder cases was found in the vehicle. This saw the caller make an offer to ensure that an investigation of the firearm is not linked to Ntakana, provided he paid an amount of R5 000" [2]

Last year in October in a media statement by SAPS, Bizana was identified as one of the hotspots for rape cases [3]. Another incident which shocked the nation was the rape and brutal killing of a pensioner where her body parts were removed [4], this shows the brutal nature of the crime women, children and the community at large face in the area.

Despite efforts from police in the province such as Operation Shanela which is aggressive policing approach launched nationally on 8th May 2023. There are incidences of crime occurring on a regular basis.

Add your name to the petition so we can get the attention of the Minister of police and police commissioner, they need to intervene! 

Why is this important?

It is deeply disturbing to live in a community where we feel unsafe and not protected by our own police force. We want Bizana to be free from the high levels of crime and drug infiltration.

Last year the community of Mbizana took to the streets, protesting against the high crime rate in the area. The community has been fed up with the high number of murders, rape cases, kidnappings, and drugs [5]. In a recent incident, a 38-year-old magistrate Buliswa Phatho was shot and killed last week, and her husband and two kids were seriously injured. Meanwhile, a Grade 12 Bizana village High School learner, Ntlakanipho Rafana was kidnapped, killed and dumped in a nearby forest. Civil organizations want the police and justice system to intensify their fight against the increasing crime rate in Mbizana. The protest was covered nationally here:

[1]  2 Shootings in KZN, 1 in Eastern Cape, cop among 4 killed. Caxton News. July 15 2024.

[2] Mbizana Police Officers Nabbed for Corruption and Extortion, by Babalwa Ndlanya for Mthathat Express. 01 December 2023.

[3] Release of Eastern Cape Crime Statistics. By SAPS 09 October 2023.

[4] Pensioner raped and body parts removed in horror. By Max Mxabo and Estelle Ellis
for Daily Maverick. 30 March 2023.

[5] Community of Mbizana protests the high crime rate in the area. SABC News.

Bizana, 4800, South Africa

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2024-08-15 11:49:01 +0200

50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

2024-08-14 14:06:09 +0200

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