100 signatures reached
To: Gauteng MEC of Education, Mr Andrek Lesufi
Call Gauteng MEC of Education to place social workers in rural schools in Hammanskraal

Ensure that schools located in the rural parts of Hammanskraal have a standing social worker.
Why is this important?
The schools located in low-income areas face the challenge of, Vulnerable family structure( skipped generation households and child headed households). This has a negative impact on how the students perform at school and survival is usually
prioritized above school work [3]. Therefore
there is a need for a social worker to identify students from these households and offer them support so that they can get the best out of their education [2].
Since social workers are social advocates they can connect students/parents with the right stakeholders. They can workshop around issues that make it difficult for students to participate fully in the classroom [1]. They can make the school environment more conducive to learning. They can hold meetings with parents and community members for the overall benefit of the student.
Call to action:
Sign this campaign now to ensure that the MEC of Education, places social workers at rural schools in hammanskraal. Our main objective is for students to thrive and succeed, but they are weighed down and overburdened by the family structures they find themselves in;causing them to not perform at their best. By signing this petition you will help us get the MEC to place a standing social worker in rural schools in Hammanskraal. The social worker will act as a facilitator between the community and the school, a social advocate to ensure that students get the best out of their education and a support system for teachers,providing them with tools needed to support at risk students. Together we can guarantee that our students maximize their opportunities but we need to remove barriers to their education. Sign now and make a difference.
[1] https://socialworklicensure.org/articles/become-a-school-social-worker/
[2] https://msw.usc.edu/mswusc-blog/what-is-a-school-social-worker/
[3] https://borgenproject.org/what-is-the-relationship-between-poverty-and-learning/
Helpful Statistics and Readings
prioritized above school work [3]. Therefore
there is a need for a social worker to identify students from these households and offer them support so that they can get the best out of their education [2].
Since social workers are social advocates they can connect students/parents with the right stakeholders. They can workshop around issues that make it difficult for students to participate fully in the classroom [1]. They can make the school environment more conducive to learning. They can hold meetings with parents and community members for the overall benefit of the student.
Call to action:
Sign this campaign now to ensure that the MEC of Education, places social workers at rural schools in hammanskraal. Our main objective is for students to thrive and succeed, but they are weighed down and overburdened by the family structures they find themselves in;causing them to not perform at their best. By signing this petition you will help us get the MEC to place a standing social worker in rural schools in Hammanskraal. The social worker will act as a facilitator between the community and the school, a social advocate to ensure that students get the best out of their education and a support system for teachers,providing them with tools needed to support at risk students. Together we can guarantee that our students maximize their opportunities but we need to remove barriers to their education. Sign now and make a difference.
[1] https://socialworklicensure.org/articles/become-a-school-social-worker/
[2] https://msw.usc.edu/mswusc-blog/what-is-a-school-social-worker/
[3] https://borgenproject.org/what-is-the-relationship-between-poverty-and-learning/
Helpful Statistics and Readings