100 signatures reached
To: Dr Nzama, Head of Department, KZN Department of Education
Implement proper measures to monitor and run efficient scholar transport in KwaZulu-Natal

I would like them to re-evaluate the scholar transport policy to identify where they are lacking in terms of the running it effectively and efficiently. They need to create standard operating procedures (SOPs are documents that guide an individual on how they need to perform a task accordingly) that will help in data being collected and analysed properly to make sure that every child has access to transport from close to home to school and back. Selection of buses and vehicles that are selected must undergo in depth scrutiny to ensure the safety of the scholars being transported. Re-evaluate the policy and implement changes on the selection on who is eligible to benefit from the scholar transport. The department should consider purchasing their own buses (instead of outsourcing) that will be used to transport learners because the alternatives that the scholars are using due to the lack of availability of transportation is putting them in danger. In that way employees of the department can be held accountable when procedures do not go right. It is clear that the department is not taking any measures to make sure that the system is running efficiently as we can see that the problem of learners not getting to school safely, is still on the rise. Classify learners accordingly regardless of the distance of their school because the closest school to them may be 15km therefore not being a school of choice to them but the closest one that they can attend.
Why is this important?
1. Many children in rural KZN even in our current times still walk for more than 5km to school. KZN has the highest proportion of children walking to school. Scholars are incorrectly classified at the department of education as attending the school of choice and not that that is closest to home. Learners have difficulty concentrating and staying awake in class due to waking up early and walking long distances on an empty stomach. Children walk on gravel and curvy mountainous area making it dangerous for the children walking especially girl children. Children rely on minibus taxis and bakkies for transport. In 2017 alone 10 pupils died and more than 90 were injured using these modes of transport. It is important that children are given access to safe transportation from home to school to allow them their right to education and safety.
1. The Long walk to school. Nkululeko Nene for IOL. 17 September 2017
1. The Long walk to school. Nkululeko Nene for IOL. 17 September 2017
How it will be delivered
Petition will be delivered via email and if no response is received from the office to acknowledge receipt, I will then deliver the signatures in person.