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* [Campaign Update]: On the 15th of January, ECD practitioners joined by SAECDTU members marched from Kgosi Mampuru to the Union Buildings to bring the demands of the petition to the attention of the president, watch the post-march interview here:

SAECDTU advocates for REVOCATION due to the unintended consequences of a critical shortage of qualified Grade R teachers; inadequate transition support for lack of accessible and affordable pathways for Diploma holders to upgrade their qualifications; impact on the quality of education because B.Ed. Foundation Phase programs do not adequately prepare teachers for the specific needs of Grade R learners compared to the specialized Diploma.

Full revocation is feasible and possible, to avoid a collective legal action; filling of a class action and possible legal actions against the DHET, DBE & Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) for compensation and redress for the trauma endured during the phasing-out process. We are robbed by the so called NDP!

At least all Nine (9) Provinces will be participating on this day effectively. We declare a National Shutdown 15 JANUARY 2024 for on behalf of the Early Childhood Development Practitioners, Grade R Teachers, SGB Educators, Retired Teacher and all Public Servants.

No to RETRENCHMENT, No to POST EXCLUSION, No to STIPEND, No to FIXED-CONTRACTS! We call for PERMANENT POSTS, with FULL BENEFITS, 30 by 1 Teacher-Pupil Ratio, SALARY NOTCH PAYMENTS, Transparent process of Integration to Mainstream Education, redress for PENSION FUND pay-outs, FULL REVOCATION OF THE PHASED-OUT DIPLOMA IN GRADE R QUALIFICATION, budget for building NEW SCHOOLS, good budget for ECD CENTRES & PRACTITIONERS.

Why is this important?

After 28 Years, since the inception of Grade R through, South African School Act (SASA) of 1996. Stipulated the importance of the Early Childhood Development Programme in a new democratic dispensation. Due to ongoing implementation challenges and failures which resulted to constant reviews of the curriculum since 2000 - 2015, which resulted to  the Phasing Out of multiple Grade R qualifications; such as NQF Level 4 & 5, Certificate in Educare, National Diploma in Educare, PGDE, Diploma in Grade R Qualification and other.

All of the above is manipulated by the National Development Program (NDP2030), which is an International plan of action, irrelevant to the standards of South Africa and its economy, which seeks to improve the standard of education in a barbaric and inconsiderate manner and processes.

Thousands of Grade R Teachers are literally unemployed in South Africa, at least 11900 Strugglers with Diploma in Grade R Qualifications are without jobs and most are embedded with trauma and depression as a result of education and economic inefficiency.

SGB educators still earn from R2500 - 5000 for the past 10 years, without proper placement and with no benefits whatsoever. No maternity leave, which means the SGB teachers in question must appoint a teacher for a period of maternity leave and pays the teacher from her own stipend.

We have teachers who laboured for 8 to 26 years, teaching our children without UIF and Pension fund contribution. 
Meintjieskop, off, Government Ave, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083, South Africa

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2025-02-03 14:10:32 +0200

On the 15th of January, ECD practitioners joined by SAECDTU members marched from Kgosi Mampuru to the Union Buildings to bring the demands of the petition to the attention of the president, watch the post-march interview here:

2024-11-20 16:17:52 +0200

1,000 signatures reached

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500 signatures reached

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100 signatures reached

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50 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached