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To: Fundisile Mketeni, CEO of South African National Parks

Call on Fundisile Mketeni to stop the banning of Taxis at Kruger National Park

Dear Fundisile Mketeni, CEO of South African National Parks,

We call on you to stop the banning of taxis from Kruger National Park. This is an anti-Black and anti-poor policy and will only make it very difficult for people without cars to access the park.

Why is this important?

We believe that the intention to ban taxis from Kruger National Park is anti-Black and anti-poor as many Black South Africans do not own cars and use taxis to get to Kruger National Park. By banning taxis from Kruger, many Black people won't be able to see the park and it will become exclusively only for people who own cars.

Join us in our call to stop Fundisile Mketeni, the CEO of South African National Parks, from banning taxis at Kruger National Park. Join the campaign now and make sure Kruger National Park doesn't become exclusively for people with cars.

South Africa

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2019-11-26 12:26:21 +0200

10 signatures reached