On the 24th of September 2019 SWEAT was made aware of the fact that the exhibition curated by Gabi Ngcobo showing at Javett Art Centre at the University of Pretoria had decided to incl a painting by murderer Zwelethu Mthethwa in the exhibition titled ‘All in a Days Eye: The Politics of Innocence’. We were shocked to hear this info & even more shocked when we learned that the curators of this exhibition were black feminist activists known to us, if not through direct links to SWEAT then through our extended work, social & political networks. Since that time SWEAT, Sisonke (the national movement of sex workers, representing the voice of sex workers in SA) and numerous other organisations, networks, and individuals have made multiple requests to the curatorial team to take the work down. These requests have been met with constant refusals and the painting remains on display. Please read the rest of the statement here https://www.facebook.com/SWEATSA/posts/2394740297258532?__tn__=K-R
To: Lead Curator Gabi Ngcobo, Director of Javett Art Centre Christopher Till and Vice Chancellor of the University of Pretoria Prof Tawana Kupe
Remove artwork of convicted womxn murderer, Zwelethu Mthethwa from exhibition at Javett Art Centre