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To: Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana

Minister Godongwana invest in ECD practitioners

 We are demanding An increase in funding for the ECD Sector:
In the 2024 Budget, you allocated approximately R3.2 billion on ECD functional shift and mass registration; at least 42 000 ECD centres are allegedly registered, and ECD Practitioners are still underpaid or ‘no pay’ to a minimum of R800, depending on the size of the centre.
- We demand a separate budget allocation for the ECD Practitioners for further training and salary allocation.
- As in 2017, your allocation per child of R17 was indeed a mockery towards your so-called NDP 2030 plan. For example, Bread & Milk cost more than R30, and Soup & Mealie Meals cost over R24, alleged allocation for 2025.
Over 1.6 million children are expected to attend ECD and Grade R in 2025, with an allocated amount per capita of R24 (allegedly). This is indeed a miscalculation and a derailment towards transformation and development. For your indulgence, 1.6 million by R24 for a year (264 days) equals approximately R10 Billion. Our interest is to expand and create equal opportunities for all children from 0 to 5 years old.
- ECD budget rollouts and adjustments are necessary, at least R20 Billion could cover salaries for ECD practitioners.
Subsidies must be adjusted for centre management; 42,000 ECD centres (owners and matrons) must receive a monthly allocation for smooth operations.
Subsidies must be paid per capita and per centre after every financial year. Some ECD Centres finalize registration within the first term, but submissions can be made until the end of the first term.
- All ECD Practitioners, be it, Grade R or Grade RR (if there be) must earn through salary notch, and be paid by the Department of Basic Education (DBE) for their professional service (not social service). Compensate practitioners through qualifications, not the size of the centre.
- The death of our heroic soldiers in DRC is a great loss for our nation; so is the death of our Grade R teachers all over the country, succumbing to emotional & psychological trauma caused by the Department of Basic Education for the past 30 years and deserves a commemorative inclusion in the Minister’s Budget Speech.

Hon. Minister Enoch Godongwana, the budget speech was an anticipated national event for decades, brought South Africans together and imparted hope to our elderly, our people living with disabilities, markets (private & public) and public servants. What happened on the 19th of February 2025, will forever be part of your resume and legacy. I encourage you to redeem yourself on 12th of March 2025. More than 450 000 teachers all over the country will be watching hopeful for adjustments made for over 1.6 Million children in South Africa. (Not Yet Uhuru)

Written by Dr B.J Langa - SAECDTU President.

Why is this important?

According to the latest research by Dr B.J Langa, Early Childhood Development (ECD) affects all of us in various levels: family, community and national. It affects the household economy, micro-economy and macroeconomics. The important stage of a child for development is from birth to 5 years. 

South Africa must prioritise and invest in our Early Childhood Development (ECD) programme indefinitely.

Lastly, most of us are definite products of the Early Childhood Development (ECD) known as Day Care, Day Mama or Crèche. This fight is worth it for our mentors.




2025-02-28 07:55:31 +0200

1,000 signatures reached

2025-02-25 12:00:27 +0200

500 signatures reached

2025-02-24 15:37:14 +0200

Minister Enoch Godongwana must invest on the ECD Practitioners. The alleged R10 billion for ECD, made up of R24 per capita (per child) for 264 days is R10 billion plus on 1.6 million children from the age 0 to 5. The Minister must consider ECD Practitioners on his budget, payable by the Department of Basic Education.

2025-02-24 15:22:19 +0200

100 signatures reached

2025-02-24 14:41:41 +0200

50 signatures reached

2025-02-24 14:30:47 +0200

25 signatures reached

2025-02-24 14:24:40 +0200

10 signatures reached