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To: iThala Group CEO Pearl Bhengu

We want a skills development center at Ngwelezane

After various attempts at reaching out to Ithala, the idea to turn the skills centre has been futile.

*Campaign update: Through various communication and reaching out to Ithala we have not received a response yet.

IThala Properties owns a three story building at Ngwelezane Township, Ward 28. The building has been abandoned for over 15 years.

The building is a concern to local residents as it attracts drug addicts and criminal activities. 

Through hosting public engagements and Dialogues with the community and various stakeholders we have resolved that the best option is to turn that abandoned building into a skills development institution, thus unlocking opportunities for the youth through upskilling programmes.

We started engaging with IThala Properties back in October 2020, till todate we haven't received a positive feedback as to how we can move forward.

Why is this important?

Converting IThala Building into a skills development institution will not only fix the issue of the abandoned building but it will empower the youth with various skills that will equip them for entrepreneurship or job market. Revamping and repurposing of the building will be executed by a team of students as part of their Work Integrated Learning and Leanership programme which will be mainly funded by various SETA’s, thus cutting down the labour costs significantly.

How it will be delivered

The signatures will be hand delivered to the decision makers head offices

b143 Yengwayo Rd, Ngwelezana B, Empangeni, South Africa

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2024-01-23 22:27:22 +0200

100 signatures reached

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25 signatures reached

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10 signatures reached