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To: Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi

Young people support draft regulations to improve the food environment

Dear Honourable Minister,

We, the youth of South Africa, write to you with deep gratitude for the government’s commitment to improving the health and well-being of all citizens, particularly through its efforts to regulate food labelling and promote a healthier and a more informed society. As young people, we are often exposed to misleading marketing tactics on unhealthy products, which use bright colours and cartoon characters to attract us. This kind of marketing targets us unfairly, making it harder to navigate the health risks associated with these products. 

We commend the government's ongoing efforts in developing regulations relating to the labelling and advertising of foodstuffs (R3337) under the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act 54 of 1972, which demonstrates a forward-thinking approach to protecting public health. As young advocates, guided by the principles of ubuntu, equality, human dignity, and freedom, we wholeheartedly support the government’s initiative to implement the Front of Package Labelling (FOPL), and food marketing regulations as outlined in the R3337 draft regulations. 

We write to you as youth advocates from institutions of higher learning across the country coming together under the UNICEF-supported Fix My Food movement which aims to promote a healthier food environment. We align our cause with section 27 of our Constitution which guarantees the right to access health care services and nutritious food, and we are inspired by your work toward fulfilling this mandate. 

It is our collective hope that the draft regulations R3337 will be fully implemented to protect South African children and youth from misleading marketing and safeguard their health. The youth are ready to support the government in this vision. We strongly believe that through partnership and determination, we can create a food environment that aligns with our constitutional values and foster a healthier, more prosperous South Africa for generations to come.

Why is this important?

The introduction of FOPL and the restriction of the advertising of unhealthy foodstuffs to children will mark a significant achievement in promoting a healthier nation, and we are confident that these regulations will contribute to reducing the incidence of non-communicable diseases and their modifiable risk factors such as obesity which are linked to poor nutrition. Furthermore, we believe the implementation of these regulations would protect the health of millions of young South Africans by curbing the manipulative marketing tactics by the food industry which are targeted to lure in vulnerable groups like children into consuming unhealthy foodstuffs. 

We share the government’s vision of a South Africa where all citizens, regardless of their race, gender, or socio-economic background, have equal access to safe, nutritious food and are well-informed about what they are consuming. By implementing clear and accessible FOPLs, the government is taking a critical step toward ensuring that all South Africans can differentiate between healthy and unhealthy food products. This effort will not only protect vulnerable consumers but also foster a culture of transparency and accountability by the food industry.

UNICEF South Africa, alongside other stakeholders, has consistently supported initiatives that safeguard the health of the youth, children, and vulnerable communities. The youth of South Africa echo this support and are hopeful that the finalisation and implementation of the R3337 regulations will soon become a reality. 

Thank you for your leadership and for considering our message of support. We look forward to the successful implementation of the R3337 regulations.

Yours faithfully,

The Youth of South Africa




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