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To: Gauteng Communities

Ahmed Kathrada Foundation Operation Winter Warm 2017

Campaign is being reconceptualised.

Dear Community of Gauteng the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation calls on volunteers to join in on its annual operation winter warm 2017 campaign. on the 10th and 11th June 2017. You may email us your name, surname, age and contact details. The lessons of this campaign is to inspire our young people to engage in community service, to learn that there are other people who have it worse and to give without expecting anything in return. It is also a chance to engage with all race groups. [email protected], 0844936475 and (011) 854-0082

Why is this important?

• To get young people to understand the plight of the underprivileged.
• Young people to look at the causes that lead to others needs especially in winter.
• Give young people the opportunity to give back to the underprivileged communities and homes.
• Create networks to work with other organizations as part of our youth outreach programme.
• Equip young people with mobilising skills.
• Teach young people door to door campaigning.
• Building engagement and collaboration between organisations.
• Providing practical assistance and knowledge to plan and prepare for winter.
• Facilitating a collaborative approach to communication across organisations; ensuring that vulnerable households receive correct, clear, consistent, useful and actionable advice and information.
• This will provide the youth with effective planning skills.
• This will teach the youth the art of giving without expecting anything in return.
Gauteng, South Africa

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2017-04-25 17:42:13 +0200

10 signatures reached

2017-04-24 16:28:31 +0200

We glad that we now have more than 50 volunteers, please continue to spread the word. A 1000 volunteers in memory of Kathrada.