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To: Minister of Police, Bheki Cele

Build another police station in Nyanga, Cape Town

On Friday, 02 September 2016, the Minister released the crime stats.

Nyanga township in Cape Town has been named the SA murder capital for the fifth consecutive year!

One of the reasons Nyanga is named the murder capital is that there's only 1 police station in an overpopulated area. Surely, the SAPS can play their part here by deploying more officers and building at least one other police station in Nyanga.

Why is this important?

Community safety is compromised here and we can't keeping seeing the same result in the Crime Stats report. People are increasingly unsafe and our constitutional rights are surely in jeopardy here with the state failing to provide adequate security.

Imagine this: a community where people don't have enough space due to overpopulation and informal settlements, a clear breeding ground for many social ills with this ignored problem of ever-increasing crime stats. All of this happening in a City with an impeccable tourism track record and is considered the go-to place around the world. This irony can no longer be ignored. It's in these small actions, i.e. building a much-needed police station that we can start to turn the tide and provide support to the communities that desperately need it. Clearly those in power in this province aren't interested.
Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2017-04-07 09:12:15 +0200

Yesterday, IOL reported that Public Works has approved a R100 million super cop shop for Muizenberg, when the initial request had just been for their building upgrade. This is a huge blow to the efforts we've been rallying against to make sure that the poorest communities have better #PoliceResources. This announcement comes a day after members from communities like Khayelitsha, Nyanga, Mothibistad gathered in Khayelitsha to reflect on the way forward and to understand where the Equality Court Case lodged by the Social Justice Coalition, Equal Education & the Nyanga Community Policing Forum is. We appeal to the residents of Muizenberg to reject this gross injustice. We ask them to stand with fellow South Africans in asking the Minister to redirect these funds to the communities that need them the most.

2017-04-04 20:38:35 +0200

1,000 signatures reached

2017-03-23 21:51:13 +0200

GroundUp focuses on the why the satellite police station in Brown's Farm is not enough. Read about it here:

2017-03-23 13:28:45 +0200

The petition has received quite a bit of media coverage over the last two weeks. Here is one article where I am speaking to Live Mag SA around what motivated the campaign and some of the issues surrounding the Nyanga police station & resourcing:

2017-03-14 18:42:48 +0200

500 signatures reached

2016-10-05 14:47:14 +0200

SAPS WC is hosting an Imbizo today (05/10/2016) @ 5pm. Venue: Intsebenziswano High School, Phillip Brown's Farm. I'm sure they'll claim they've sold the #SAMurderCapital conundrum by deploying 43 officers (even with these officers, Nyanga still has less than 300 officers for a population of more than 60 000). A satellite police station was opened on 01 October in Brown's Farm - this can't be enough. A permanent structure is needed urgently!

2016-09-30 14:31:31 +0200

#SaveNyangaNOW update: On 2 Oct,satellite station opening at Philippi train station.This isn't enough. An actual police station is still needed. Brown's Farm's the same size as Langa.

2016-09-26 10:20:58 +0200

#SAMurderCapital, Nyanga's situation is encroaching on community's constitutional rights. Read here on protest held on 20th September: