20,000 signatures reached
To: Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga and President Cyril Ramaphosa
Angie Motshekga must extend contracts for The Presidential Youth Employment Initiative to DEC 2022

When the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative and Basic Education Employment Initiative (BEEI), which is part of the Presidential Employment Stimulus. opened opportunities for the youth in South Africa to be employed, it gave hope to struggling families. This initiative has helped 287 000 young people put food on the table for their families [1].
Assistant teachers and General workers play a crucial role in helping students in the schools they are placed in.
-They offer extra classes
-Help Educators
-Take care of students
and some of us started loving teaching and pursuing it due to this opportunity. The contract started on the 1st of November 2021 ends in March 2022 (5 months). We feel five months is not enough to sustain us from poverty. At least the extension will make a difference.
It is with great sadness that the programme is coming to an end in March. It means thousands of youth being unemployed again and adding to the stats.
- We call on Minister Angie Motshekga and President Cyril Ramaphosa to extend these contracts at least until December 2022.
(From April to December)
-As well as expand the initiative so more people are added to it.
- Allow all students currently in universities & colleges to continue and apply.
Assistant teachers and General workers play a crucial role in helping students in the schools they are placed in.
-They offer extra classes
-Help Educators
-Take care of students
and some of us started loving teaching and pursuing it due to this opportunity. The contract started on the 1st of November 2021 ends in March 2022 (5 months). We feel five months is not enough to sustain us from poverty. At least the extension will make a difference.
It is with great sadness that the programme is coming to an end in March. It means thousands of youth being unemployed again and adding to the stats.
- We call on Minister Angie Motshekga and President Cyril Ramaphosa to extend these contracts at least until December 2022.
(From April to December)
-As well as expand the initiative so more people are added to it.
- Allow all students currently in universities & colleges to continue and apply.
Why is this important?
This contract extension will help thousands of youth and their families struggling as it is to make ends meet. Some employees have started going to school and pursuing Education due to the opportunity that was given by the Basic Education programme. Some families depend on us, and some of us have children. This programme has made a massive difference in our lives. Please extend our contracts Mama Angie. Youth unemployment rate in South Africa has increased to 64.4% in the second quarter of 2021 from 63.3% in the first quarter of 2021 [2].
[1] DBE embarks on the monitoring of the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative:https://www.education.gov.za/PYEIMonitoring1121.aspx
[2] South Africa Youth Unemployment Rate: https://tradingeconomics.com/south-africa/youth-unemployment-rate
[1] DBE embarks on the monitoring of the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative:https://www.education.gov.za/PYEIMonitoring1121.aspx
[2] South Africa Youth Unemployment Rate: https://tradingeconomics.com/south-africa/youth-unemployment-rate