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To: Western Cape MEC for Health, Nomafrench Mbombo

Pay Nurses in Western Cape the 'Danger Allowance'

Pay Nurses in the Western Cape the danger allowance. In the binding Resolution 4 of 2015, agreement on the review of Annexure A of Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC) Resolution 1 of 2007, it was resolved that the inclusion of the occupational categories and payment of the payment of the danger allowance towards employees attached to those occupational categories be taken into account.

Why is this important?

If Parliament can pay its security personnel, popularly known as 'bouncers', can be paid danger allowance [1] then nurses working psychiatric patients and other public servants can be paid the same. 

If the government paid its employees well then maybe the attitudes of those employees would drastically change when they deal with members of the public. Presently, in the ongoing strike by mortuary workers, danger pay has once again been one of the demands made [2]. 

Danger pay was first introduced during the 1999 wage negotiations for state employees such as traffic inspectors, prison warders and social workers.

[1] EFF rejects danger pay for Parliamentary bouncers, Mxolisi Mngadi for News24. 7 May 2017.
[2] Agreement to end mortuary strike on the cards, eNCA. 21 June 2017.
Western Cape, South Africa

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