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To: Gauteng Education MEC, Panyaza Lesufi and Headmistress, Mrs K du Toit

Stop Racism at Pretoria Girls High

MEC of Education initiated an investigation into the school. The report found the learners allegations to be true and made the following recommendations:
- That action be taken against the teachers responsible;
- That the school’s code of conduct be reviewed and
- The school should implement diversity training and cultural awareness programmes. Three months after the trainings, an independent agency would conduct an anonymous "cultural survey" to get the views of pupils on progress made.

Dear MEC of Education Panyaza Lesufi and Headmistress, Mrs K du Toit,

We the undersigned call on you to take swift action to ensure that:

- The school's code of conduct does not discriminate against Black and Muslim girls;

- Disciplinary action against teachers and other staff members implementing any racist policy and/or racist actions

- Protection for the learners who protested to ensure they will not be victimised.

Why is this important?

Right now, learners at Pretoria High school are demanding that racist practices at the school are brought to an end. Girls attending the school have been forced to straighten their hair; are accused of conspiring when standing in groups and face other intolerable comments and actions.

We stand in solidarity with the learners, who marched at the school on the 26th to say enough is enough. It is unacceptable that in a country in which Black people are a demographic majority, we still today continue to be expected to pander to whiteness and to have it enforced through school policy.

Black children should be allowed to just be children, without being burdened with having to assert their humanity.
Gauteng, South Africa

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2021-03-11 09:07:21 +0200

Petition is successful with 32,459 signatures