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To: Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi

Tell South African Government to prioritize Endometriosis patients

Endometriosis is a systemic chronic disease which affects multiple organs [1]. Some girls present the symptoms from day 1 of their menstrual cycle, and it becomes an on going trauma month after month. Girls and women in their child bearing stage are affected. Hospitals and clinics downplay or ignore the symptoms and leave the patient to suffer without any medical care. 

Most medical staff are ignorant of this disease. They misdiagnose patients or don't diagnose them at all. A study carried out in South Africa on factors contributing to infertility reported that the prevalence of endometriosis among the black population was lower (2%) than that of the White population (7%), [2].

  • We want every local clinic/hospital to have a Endometriosis facility where patients are treated promptly and followed up the same way they prioritize other chronic diseases. 

  • We want access to the schools to raise awareness and help educators know and understand that "PERIOD PAIN" is not normal. It has dire future consequences if left unattended. 

  • We want the government to train more doctors who will specialize in treating endometriosis 

Why is this important?

It is extremely important because for too long young girls and women have suffered this chronic disease without getting medical assistance. Women's reproductive organs are badly affected and damaged by this condition. Not only that, it affects them emotionally, relationally psychologically and financially. For most women this condition has led to infertility.

Personal testimony:
"I was a victim from 13 years of age till I menopaused at 52 recently, from day one of my menstrual cycle I suffered severe pelvic pain and it proceeded to other parts of the body. I was diagnosed at 27 years old with stage 4 endometriosis. At that time I was married and trying to conceive, only to find that my entire reproductive system was damaged. Doctors tried, I conceived several times and miscarried all those pregnancies.

Then I suffered 2 ectopic pregnancies. All my children died in the womb because someone downplayed and called "normal" the monthly horrible pains I suffered 14 days of every month without fail"

Please add your name to this petition to support the call for early and accurate endometriosis diagnosis. 

[1] The low down on endometriosis. By Samantha Lee-Jacobs for News24. 01 April 2024
[2]  Endometriosis among African women. By Mecha, E. O., Njagi, J. N., Makunja, R. N., A Omwandho, C. O., K Saunders, P. T., & Horne, A. W. for Reproduction & Fertility, 3(3), C40. July 2022.
South Africa

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