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To: Sy Mamabolo office of the IEC, Hiring officer for counting officers, IEC

Tell the Independent Commission of South Africa to pay us our full salaries

A number of counting officers and temporary workers who were employed over the elections who did not receive full payment and ones who are still waiting to be paid a month after the elections are demanding that the IEC pay them their full salaries and that this must be in accordance with the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA). It must reflect the number of hours worked. Night shift allowance and overtime. 

Why is this important?

Exploitation should have no place in a democratic South Africa. When a reputable organization like the IEC exploits its workers, what kind of standard is it setting for the nation?

"I was employed as a Counting Officer during the recent election. My shift began at 6 PM on election day. Upon arrival, I was immediately thrust into a grueling situation: the electoral staff who had been working since before 6 AM were exhausted, understaffed, and hadn't eaten or taken a proper break. Despite the dire conditions, I worked tirelessly until around 11 PM when voting was concluded, then started counting.

The hall where we worked was freezing, forcing most of us to drink warm water just to stay warm because we had no coffee or tea. By 7 AM, we were ravenous. We continued to work on empty stomachs until 1 PM the next day, they did not even arrange breakfast for us.

Just like most of the young people who worked during the election, I am a 32-year-old single mother of two, with a Bachelor’s degree and currently pursuing a Postgraduate Diploma with UNISA. My CV is rich with years of experience because, like my colleagues, I seize every job opportunity that comes my way. I just haven't found anything permanent. 

To take this job, I had to borrow money for transportation and pay a childminder to look after my kids. When I received the pay notification, I broke down in tears. How am I supposed to repay the people I owe? On top of that, I caught a cold from the prolonged exposure to the harsh environment and lack of sleep.

I applied for this job through their online recruitment system and had no contact other than with my manager. Since then, I have been calling all their HR offices and Payroll, only to be constantly referred to the next person, with no resolution in sight.

We deserve to be paid for the hard work we put in. Please, pay us the money we earned through our dedication and sacrifice" 

It is important to note that we are aware of the underfunding currently plaguing the IEC and other state entities but this should not mean that they should treat workers unfairly. It is not enough to simply dismiss workers by saying they did not sign a register as a reason they still haven't been paid. We live in a country with a high unemployment rate, the IEC as an organisation which values integrity and accountability should serve as an example in how their treat their workers. 

[1]  IEC staff frustrated over delayed and insufficient election payments.

How it will be delivered

The petition will be delivered online and physically to the IEC offices.



2024-07-29 12:27:20 +0200

50 signatures reached

2024-07-05 19:50:05 +0200

25 signatures reached

2024-06-26 02:25:25 +0200

10 signatures reached