• Stop Racism at Pretoria Girls High
    Right now, learners at Pretoria High school are demanding that racist practices at the school are brought to an end. Girls attending the school have been forced to straighten their hair; are accused of conspiring when standing in groups and face other intolerable comments and actions. We stand in solidarity with the learners, who marched at the school on the 26th to say enough is enough. It is unacceptable that in a country in which Black people are a demographic majority, we still today continue to be expected to pander to whiteness and to have it enforced through school policy. Black children should be allowed to just be children, without being burdened with having to assert their humanity.
    32,498 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Koketso Moeti
  • Support workers, boycott Robertson wines
    Poverty has a human face. The Marikana Massacre and the farm workers strike in the Western Cape, in 2012-13, forced into the public consciousness the reality of workers condemned to live in poverty. Poverty is, indeed, now recognised by all political parties as being one of the three main scourges disfiguring our once ‘new’ South Africa. But, for many of us, poverty still remains an abstraction that distances the meaning of what it is to be poor. The unprecedented strike currently happening at Robertson Winery, an easy distance away from Cape Town, is a timely reminder that hard work still leaves large numbers of South Africans unable even to feed their children. Recall the shock when we discovered, in 2013, that farm workers in the wine districts were expected to live on R69 per day. The shock shamed the government into increasing the statutory minimum wage to R105 per day. We, who were discomforted by the discovery of poverty wages in our midst, were re-assured by the government’s quick action. What we chose to forget is that R105 per day is itself a knowingly inadequate wage. Research bodies were quick to point out that even the R150 per day that the workers had been seeking could not sustain a family of 4. That was in 2012. Inflation – especially when measured for poor families – means R150 buys even less in 2016. The gross wages of the workers on strike at Robertson range from R95.34 to R115 per day! Since negotiations started 4 months ago, workers have been disciplined and calm, yet bosses refuse to compromise or negotiate. The Robertson Winery has offered their workers a daily increase that begins at R8.80! The upsetting aspect for many of the Robertson Winery workers is that they realise that Robertson Winery is making hundreds of millions of Rands in profits every year. The workers from Robertson Winery are resolute and clear: they do not want an increase of R8,80, they want enough money to live – they are demanding a living wage, and they will continue fighting until they get what they deserve. The most effective way of showing our support for the workers and outrage is to boycott all Robertson Winery wines. Look for the label – and then buy something else.
    706 of 800 Signatures
    Created by amandla mobi member Picture
    Reliable transportation is a basic need. It is a basic need that allows us to get to work, school, hospitals/clinics and stores to satisfy other basic needs. Without a reliable transportation system we are either unable to satisfy these needs or we struggle to do so. We have left the City of Tshwane to its own devices where the Tshwane Bus Service is concerned and this has clearly been a fault on our part. They are clearly not willing to step up and fix the bus service themselves so we need to prompt them to do so. This is the most affordable option for us. If we could find alternative transportation then we would have done so a long time ago. It is time we were heard and took the necessary steps to hold the City of Tshwane accountable for what they're subjecting us to. This is a service you have been promised. Demanding that the service operate efficiently and that your needs as a paying customer be considered and catered to is not asking for much. Make your voice heard. Help ensure you get the service you're paying for!
    171 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sandisiwe Samuels
  • Stop the bullying of junior doctors
    In a country like South Africa, we can't allow an 'old boys' club to bully and sabotage anyone who speaks out against racism or sexism. It's alarming that this happens in our health system. The fact that a senior doctor advised Yumna to destroy her internship logbook [1], shows there is a huge cover up within medicine to silence those who speak out. After Yumna lodged a complaint about her experiences, she was targetted by her Head of Department who refused to sign off on her internship. While the Health Professions Council of South Africa overturned the Head of Department's decision, what is clear is that the 'old boys' club that exists within medicine sabotages those who dare speak out against sexism and racism. For this to occur in a profession that is first and foremost there to create a healthier and safe South Africa, is alarming. Respect should be a non-negotiable value in our health system. [1] https://www.thedailyvox.co.za/junior-doctor-exposing-harassment-racism-hospitals/
    725 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Concerned South Africans
  • Undo the damage of rape culture promoting textbook
    South Africa has one of the highest incidents of rape in the world. Teachers should not be put in a position where they are expected to stigmatise and victim blame rape victims.
    1,890 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by amandla.mobi member Picture
  • Pay the Kruger National Park Claimants NOW!
    Claimants rights are important to correct the injustice of the past. Some claimants have died not seeing justice, among them, the great Chief Muyexe.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cynthia Gobrin
  • Stop the bullying of Caster Semenya
    What Paula Radcliffe has put Caster Semenya through, is what Serena Williams has had to face as a Black woman in sport.  Caster Semenya is humbly focused on her running, and we stand by our champion and against bullies. We call on Ratcliffe's sponsors, publishers and business partners to respect Semenya's human rights and protect her bodily integrity and wellbeing.
    3,062 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by amandla mobi member Picture
  • Stop Anderson promoting hate speech in South Africa
    Steven Anderson is a well-known spewer of hate speech against specifically the LGBTI community as this article attests to. http://www.addictinginfo.org/2016/06/24/watch-anti-gay-pastor-who-wants-to-kill-them-all-gets-bad-news-and-throws-massive-temper-tantrum/ Southern Law Poverty Center deemed Anderson and his church, Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ, a hate group. Also, the Secret Service was out to Anderson's house to question him because he and his church prayed for Obama's death. He is coming to Kempton Park to bring his unique brand of hate to South Africa, and this cannot be tolerated or allowed as LGBTI rights are protected by the Constitution, and there is already enough homophobia the flames of which do not need fanning. This is not a petition against Christianity, but against using Christianity as an excuse to call for the death of a certain sector of society and to spread a message of hate and intolerance. GaySA Radio is taking the lead on this and asking everybody who stands for peace and love to sign this petition. We are calling on all LGBTI organisations as well as Human Rights Organisations, as well as the South African public at large and the international community to show their support. www.gaysaradio.co.za For live updates listen to http://gaysaradio.ndstream.net
    209 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Gay SA Radio
  • 34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Khomotso Ntuli
  • Solidarity with #ThisFlag #FreePastorEvan stop police brutality
    As South Africans, we have a limited understanding of the complex issues facing Zimbabwe, but what we do know is that the struggle against injustice and inequality cannot prevail if citizen voices are silenced. Last week's national stay-away and subsequent protests in response to government corruption, wage disputes and import and export bans, among others, have been met by severe police brutality, the intimidation and arrest of journalists and protesters and internet censorship. Pastor Evan Mawarire, who has been leading the #ThisFlag movement, has also been arrested and charged with inciting violence and disturbing the peace. We can no longer remain silent about the conditions facing our brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe. Lets stand together and support the demands of the #ZimShutDown2016 and #ThisFlag movements. Sign and share this petition as a show of African solidarity!
    154 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Concerned South Africans
  • Save Funda Community College
    Funda Community College was founded 30 years ago by Professor Eskia Mphahlele. This erstwhile prestigious institution housed a number of organisations which formed part of an Education Cooperative at the time. These organisations were: The Council for Black Education and Research, the Community Development Projects Association, the African Institute of Art, the Madimba Institute of African Music, the Soyikwa Institute of African Theater, and the Part-Time University Students Association. These organisations collectively made Funda Centre to become a critical institution that brought about transformation in education and played an important role in the development of the Arts in Black communities of Soweto and other surrounding townships like Sebokeng, Sharpeville, Alexandra, Katlehong, Mamelodi etc.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Amandla.mobi Member
  • Indian Civil Society under attack
    Lawyers Collective is a well-respected legal organisation that advances human rights in India, including women’s rights, the rights of people living with HIV and the right of access to affordable medicines. Lawyers Collective plays an important role in advancing the constitutionally-entrenched rights of the most vulnerable and marginalised sections of society. A number of key civil society organisations in South Africa have worked with Lawyers Collective for many years to advance the rights entrenched in the South African Constitution, including important work to promote non-discrimination and protect the human rights of people living with HIV. Lawyers Collective has been absolutely instrumental in ensuring that the environment that enables India to continue to be the Pharmacy of the Developing World is maintained, even in the face of serious external pressures on India to deviate from its historical pro-public health stance. Through its work, vulnerable people in both India and South Africa (among others) have had access to life-saving medicines that they would not otherwise have been able to afford. [1] “Human rights defenders and civil society must have the ability to do their important job without being subjected to increased limitations on their access to foreign funding and the undue suspension of their registration on the basis of burdensome administrative requirements imposed to those organizations in receipt of foreign funds,” the UN human rights experts concluded. - See more at http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=20112&LangID=E#sthash.eHvoNyDl.dpuf
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Concerned civil society members