• Recall South African Ambassador to Israel
    Leigh Ann Naidoo put her personal safety at risk in taking part in the Freedom Flotilla initiative: she did so in order to draw attention to the ongoing humanitarian crisis caused by Israel's blockade of the Gaza strip and in an attempt to deliver hope to this beleaguered population. Leigh Ann, with the rest of the crew, was effectively kidnapped by Israeli forces. Despite ongoing appeals to the embassy to provide consular assistance Mr Sisa Ngombane claimed - until the very day of her release (negotiated by lawyers) - to be unaware that she was in detention. This dereliction of duty left a courageous South African activist vulnerable to the whims of a military force that routinely maltreats, humiliates and tortures prisoners. Such negligence was only aggravated by Mr Ngombane's behaviour at Leigh Ann Naidoo's Press Conference where instead of condemning the illegal interception of the Zaytouna-Oliva, the kidnapping of the activists and the inhumane siege on Gaza, Mr Ngombane decided to discuss the three teenagers kidnapped in The West Bank in 2014. The kidnapping and subsequent murder of these teenagers was notoriously used by Israel to justify its attack on Gaza - an attack which led to the death of over 2000 Palestinian civilians, 550 of whom were children. While the government PROCLAIMS its support for the Palestinian people, it will obviously ACT in a manner that works to perpetuate their suffering if those in positions of power privately sympathise with Israeli abuses. For the government to be consistent with its own policies, as well as with the will of the majority of South Africans who hold - as Mandela did - that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians, we ask for Mr Ngombane to be recalled.
    1,494 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Women’s Boat to Gaza South Africa Picture
  • #NotInOurNameUCT
    UCT management has made it clear that they plan to resume full university functions on Monday 3rd October through the use of extensive private security. Heavy private security has been deployed at other South African universities with serious implications for the safety of students and staff alike. The state’s recent zero tolerance directive to the police force with regard to student protesters shows an increased willingness to use violence to resolve disputes. However there is no strong evidence that increased security will protect students or prevent the destruction of property. In fact experiences over the last year and on other campuses have shown increased security presence escalates tensions and is more likely to lead to violence than to mitigate it. Despite management’s multiple communiques regarding engagements with different stakeholders, a transparent negotiation process between management and protesting students only began in earnest as of this Friday, 30th September. Without a genuine commitment to engaging with tangible outcomes, there is substantial basis to concerns that the opening of campus on Monday 3rd October will dissolve the urgency to deal with issues of fees, interdicts and institutional culture. #NotInOurNameUCT #DenouncePrivateSecurity #EndTheImpasse Ways to show support: We ask that people sign and share the petition in support. For tutor groups, teaching or lab assistants and other students or staff involved in the running of the university, you could send emails to your students and faculties (to denounce use of private security, declare a stay-away or discontinuation of work until these issues are addressed, and pressure your faculty bodies to take a stance on this matter) For different interest groups at UCT, whether student societies or faculty bodies or other, public statements denouncing private security and calling for engagement.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amandla.mobi Member
    Although there may be wide and reasonable disagreements with respect to both the goals and tactics of the student movement for free, quality and decolonised education, as well as the goals and tactics of university managements, the securitisation of campuses can never be an effective way of resolving differences. Such securitisation can and has already has caused bodily harm and trauma to protestors, by-standers, academics, support staff and security personnel themselves, while further exacerbating fear and mistrust, thereby polarising positions and undermining academic freedom. It is unreasonable and unsafe to expect students, academic staff and support staff to continue the academic project under these conditions. Moreover, it is antithetical to the pursuit of a negotiated solution that will enable the completion of the academic year successfully. Academics and concerned persons, please sign the petition with your name and affiliation.
    1,104 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by amandla.mobi member Picture
    This is important because the Chief Master of the High Court is supposed to push the transformation agenda at the Department of Justice so that Black Liquidators can be included to be appointed in all insolvency matters in this country. One cannot expect a person who is a racist or who has racist tendencies to be in charge of such an important position.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MOHAMED PATEL
  • Take Skhumba Hlope off air until he apologises
    Amidst the violence at Wits University, Sarah Mokwebo, Hlengiwe Patricia Ndlovu and Lerato Motaung stripped during the protest at the main campus saying they were tired of being brutalised. The three women‚ faced the police with their hands crossed over their heads in an effort to stop the violence. Skhumba Hlope thereafter uploaded a video of himself body shaming the three women, making reference to "droopy breasts" also making fun of their stretch marks and bellies. While we completely support freedom of expression, Skhumba's comments are part of institutionalising the policing of women's bodies and reinforcing the idea that they exist for public consumption. By taking him off air until he publicly apologises, Kaya FM will be sending a firm signal to us all that the station does not endorse such views.
    8,268 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Koketso Moeti
  • Release Leigh-Ann Naidoo and the women on the Zaytouna boat to Gaza
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTnmlENu_20 From past Israeli interceptions the possibility of a violent military attack as was experienced by the Mavi Marmara flotilla in 2010 is a reality. It is deplorable that despite the loss of lives resulting from Israel’s unlawful piracy in international waters, the Israeli regime has once again repeated its criminal conduct [1]. By the same token, it is inexcusable that the United Nations and its Security Council have failed to warn Israel not to proceed with its threat to attack the WBG. We as signatories are deeply concerned that these peaceful women activists on board the Zaytouna and their non-violent mission to break the illegal Israeli blockade, face such an unprovoked and unwarranted interception. The WBG is a solidarity mission to occupied Gaza and has no intention of entering Israel illegally. We find it unacceptable that despite these public threats by Israel, and notwithstanding the fact that one of the volunteers on board is a South African citizen, Leigh-Ann Naidoo former Olympian and activist, the Department of International Relations (DIRCO) remains silent. We therefore call on the SA Presidency to urgently take steps to ensure the safety of all the women on this mission, including Leigh-Ann Naidoo. It is imperative for the SA government to provide the necessary protection for its citizen. The WBG is an admirable effort by brave women from various countries to set sail across the Mediterranean to Gaza, in a peaceful attempt to break Israel’s illegal blockade. The international community, including the ANC-led government, must step in to prevent Israel from carrying out such crimes against humanity, crimes which it frequently commits with complete impunity. Names of women who were on the 'Women's Boat to Gaza':: Mairead Maguire, Ireland Marama Davidson, New Zealand Jeannette Escanilla, Sweden Samira Douaifia, Algeria Leigh-Ann Naidoo, South Africa Madeleine Habib, Australia Ann Wright, United States Hoda Rakhme, Russia Dr. Fauziah Hasan, Malaysia Mina Harballou, United Kingdom Sandra Barrilaro, Spain Synne Sofie Reksten, Norway Emma Ringqvist, Sweden [1] https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20161005-breaking-reports-israel-stops-womens-boat-to-gaza/#.V_UYIKQSY61.twitter Women’s Boat to Gaza South Africa Palestine Solidarity Alliance Palestine Solidarity Campaign BDS South Africa South African Jews for a Free Palestine – SAJFP National Coalition 4 Palestine #NC4P Media Review Network – South Africa University of Johannesburg Palestine Solidarity Forum – UJ PSF Right2Know Campaign Palestine Solidarity Alliance Youth League MSA Union
    2,436 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Women’s Boat to Gaza South Africa Picture
  • Petition to address the list of demands of SFMFDefiance
    This is in accordance with FREE decolonized education.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thato Malema
  • Respect Customary Marriages In South Africa
    MEDIA RELEASE: New date agreed by the parties in the recognition of Muslim marriages class action Today, Monday 20 March 2017, the before Human Rights Day, a new date was agreed by the parties concerned for the recognition of Muslim marriages class action to heard by the High Court. The 28th August has been agreed. A directions hearing was convened by the High Court this morning after the Judge President ordered the consolidation of a further matter pending before the High Court which similarly highlights the plight of Muslim women. There are several matters that are pending at a number of courts across the country. This is testament to the fact that Muslim women are struggling to assert their rights because their Muslim marriages and the consequences arising therefrom are not legally recognised. They have no option but to plead their cases with the courts and the judiciary. Given the importance of the matter three judges have now been appointed to hear the matter. Namely; Judges S Desai, G Salie-Hlophe and NP Boqwana. This morning saw women come to the steps of the High Court from all over Cape Town to show solidarity and support for this matter. The lived reality of these women is that legal protection has been denied to them some 16 years after the Constitution came into force. This results in widespread oppression and gender discrimination in areas such as divorce, the duties of support, parental rights and responsibilities and inheritance. Press Release On Other Case Outcomes: http://www.wlce.co.za/images/press%20releases/WLC_Customary%20Marriages%20Act_Limpop%20ruling_020816%20press%20release.pdf Article: Are nikah and sindoor equal to wedding rings and lobola?: http://www.standup.co.za/bambanani-social-justice/resources/63-wlc-customary-marriages-case.html Also Read: http://www.polity.org.za/article/official-customary-law-and-the-disruption-of-patriarchal-power-the-case-of-msinga-2013-09-26
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stand UP! Foundation Picture
  • 24hrs left to add your name! Release the Norms and Standards Progress Reports
    After a concerted struggle by learners, parents, teachers and community members across the country, the Minister of Basic Education released Minimum Norms and Standards for School Infrastructure in late 2013. These provide a blueprint for what makes a school a school, by defining the basic infrastructure every school needs, and setting out deadlines for when this must be provided. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEjsm7K8cRg The first deadline is on 29 November 2016. By this time: - All schools made of mud, asbestos, metal or wood must be replaced by new schools. - Schools with no water, electricity or sanitation must be provided with these. In our work, we continue to encounter schools without these basics. It's clear that the Norms and Standards will not be met: by the Department of Basic Education's (DBE) own statistics, as of June 2016, 171 schools have no water supply, 569 schools have no electricity, and 68 schools have no toilets. The public deserves to know what has, and has not, been done to implement the Norms. The DBE must be held accountable! This is why we need the progress reports. Norms and Standards have the power to change education in South Africa. But they are not perfect - they have loopholes which make it difficult for communities to hold the DBE accountable. Equal Education has asked the Minister to fix these problems for two years, but she has not listened. So, we are taking her to court. But it doesn't need to be like this. The Minister has the power to review and amend Norms and Standards. She must fix the loopholes.
    723 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Equal Education Picture
  • Sign the campaign #DataMustFall
    Researchers who took into account cost of living, have found that South Africa has the second most expensive data costs among BRICS countries [1]. Previously as reported by IOL, many have claimed that Mzansi’s data costs are the highest in the world: 1GB (gigabyte) of data costs R150 in Mzansi, compared to R11 in India, R22 in Nigeria and R23 in Namibia [2]. However, this comparison is not adjusted for cost of living, so in order to compare apples with apples. Indra de Lanerolle, an expert whose research concerns Internet access, use and development and the Internet's social, political and economic effects, in South Africa and the continent, agrees with the call for a 50% cut on data costs when he asserts, "On three major networks (which account for more than 95% of all mobile customers) 500MB – the amount of data they set as a minimum – of data costs between R85 and R105. So for the average South African 500MB per month is unaffordable. In fact mobile data prices would have to fall by about half to be affordable." [3] The digital divide excludes the majority of people in South Africa from accessing information and news, applying for jobs, accessing education resources online and keeping in touch with family and friends. High data costs perpetuate inequality. The internet must be democratised now! The nature of South Africa’s economy forces many to leave their loved ones to find work in urban areas, but lowering the cost of data will allow people to call, share pictures and videos with loved ones back home. Without access to data, most of us as the members of amandla. mobi would not even be able connect and fight for social justice, let alone know what is going on in our country given the SABC censoring news lately. [1] http://www.fin24.com/Tech/Multimedia/data-prices-how-sa-compares-to-the-rest-of-the-world-20160930 [2] http://www.iol.co.za/news/politics/datamustfall-cut-costs-or-else-icasa-warns-2072293 [3] https://theconversation.com/internet-freedom-why-access-is-becoming-a-human-right-59125
    57,871 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by amandla mobi member Picture
  • Transparency and Timeous Resolutions with reference to the Life Esidimeni disaster
    Mental health patients are one of our vulnerable populations, and needs care and protection. Care for those suffering from mental illnesses should be conducted in a dignified manner. The 2013-2020 South African Mental Health Policy Framework and Strategic highlights the fact that "the human rights of people with mental illness should be promoted and protected". The relocation of the Life Esidimeni patients are in stark contrast to the Mental Health Policy and the South African Disability Act. A number of reports have indicated that the necessary care and human rights treatment of these patients have not been met. "Just because You can't Speak; doesn't Mean You don't have Anything to Say" MENTAL HEALTH CARE ACT 17 OF 2002 ACT To provide for the care, treatment and rehabilitation of persons who are mentally ill; to set out different procedures to be followed in the admission of such persons; to establish Review Boards in respect of every health establishment; to determine their powers and functions; to provide for the care and administration of the property of mentally ill persons; to repeal certain laws; and to provide for matters connected therewith. PREAMBLE RECOGNISING that health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being and that mental health services should be provided as part of primary, secondary and tertiary health services; RECOGNISING that the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act No. 108 of 1996), prohibits against unfair discrimination of people with mental or other disabilities; RECOGNISING that the person and property of a person with mental disorders or mental disabilities, may at times require protection and that members of the public and their properties may similarly require protection from people with mental disorders or mental disabilities; and RECOGNISING further that there is a need to promote the provision of mental health care services in a manner which promotes the maximum mental well-being of users of mental health care services and communities in which they reside [http://www.hpcsa.co.za/Uploads/editor/UserFiles/downloads/legislations/acts/mental_health_care_act_17_of_2002.pdf] WHITE PAPER ON THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Approved by Cabinet on 9 December 2015 The White Paper is a call to action for government, civil society and the private sector to work together to ensure the socio-economic inclusion of persons with disabilities. We therefore seek to create a caring and inclusive society that protects and develops the human potential of its children, a society for all where persons with disabilities enjoy the same rights as their fellow citizens, and where all citizens and institutions share equal responsibility for building such a society. “Everyone is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law. Equality includes the full and equal enjoyment of all rights and freedoms. To promote the achievement of equality, legislative and other measures designed to protect or advance persons or categories of persons, disadvantaged by unfair discrimination may be taken.” The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 [http://www.gov.za/sites/www.gov.za/files/39792_gon230.pdf]
    190 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Janine Bezuidenhoudt
  • Hands Off Our Grants
    Ma Grace, a pensioner from Makwassie in the North West province, experienced airtime deductions from her SASSA account despite her not owning a cell phone. In February 2014, Minister Dlamini ordered SASSA to refund Ma Grace for these monthly airtime deductions. Mr Bani, a pensioner from Nyanga near Cape Town, received a partial refund for unauthorised & unlawful loans deductions from INFAJFIN in Uitenhage, Eastern Cape after months of seeking recourse. But there are still scores of beneficiaries who are struggling to register their recourse complaint, let alone enjoy the benefit of a refund! In May 2016, in a decisive move, the Minister of Social Development issued new regulations to stop the tide of unauthorised and unlawful debit and other deductions from the SASSA bank account. But in June 2016, Net1, a few of its subsidiaries and other commercial companies took DSD and SASSA to court in four legal cases. The Black Sash and six co-applicants asked the court to order that the Minister publish regulations to protect social grants from exploitation if: (a) DSD and SASSA’s interpretation is correct; and (b) that the interpretation renders the new regulations unconstitutional. Government should be given the opportunity to fix the new regulations, if defective, to protect vulnerable beneficiaries from predatory and unscrupulous financial and other third party service providers. Finally, we note the Constitutional Court order in April 2012 that SASSA must lodge a report within 14 days, of not awarding a new tender, “on whether and when it will be ready to assume the duty to pay the grants itself” (in-source). In November 2015, SASSA submitted a plan to ConCourt with clear deliverables & timeframes for taking over payment of grants by the end of the CPS/SASSA contract in March 2017. We are closely monitoring SASSA’s progress in this regard.
    2,378 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Black Sash