• Demand President Ramaphosa amends the GBVF Act Now!
    The NCGBVF Act, in its current form, does not adequately reflect the 2018 commitment to combat GBVF. The Act must be urgently reviewed, and its shortcomings must be addressed through a participatory process that involves all key stakeholders. While the recent enactment of the National Council on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide Act (NCGBVF Act) was intended to mark a significant step towards better leadership, coordination, and accountability in the fight against GBVF, it has unfortunately fallen short of its purpose. As it currently stands, the Act is grossly inadequate.  References [1] President Cyril Ramaphosa signs into law National Council on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide Bill and National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Bill, 24 May 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouCS6gOqw0k
    901 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Palesa Ramolefo Picture
  • Young people support draft regulations to improve the food environment
    The introduction of FOPL and the restriction of the advertising of unhealthy foodstuffs to children will mark a significant achievement in promoting a healthier nation, and we are confident that these regulations will contribute to reducing the incidence of non-communicable diseases and their modifiable risk factors such as obesity which are linked to poor nutrition. Furthermore, we believe the implementation of these regulations would protect the health of millions of young South Africans by curbing the manipulative marketing tactics by the food industry which are targeted to lure in vulnerable groups like children into consuming unhealthy foodstuffs.  We share the government’s vision of a South Africa where all citizens, regardless of their race, gender, or socio-economic background, have equal access to safe, nutritious food and are well-informed about what they are consuming. By implementing clear and accessible FOPLs, the government is taking a critical step toward ensuring that all South Africans can differentiate between healthy and unhealthy food products. This effort will not only protect vulnerable consumers but also foster a culture of transparency and accountability by the food industry. UNICEF South Africa, alongside other stakeholders, has consistently supported initiatives that safeguard the health of the youth, children, and vulnerable communities. The youth of South Africa echo this support and are hopeful that the finalisation and implementation of the R3337 regulations will soon become a reality.  Thank you for your leadership and for considering our message of support. We look forward to the successful implementation of the R3337 regulations. Yours faithfully, The Youth of South Africa
    902 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Fix My Food South Africa
  • Western Cape Education Crisis Committee's Petition Against Teacher Job Cuts
    We cannot afford any cuts in our Education budget, in fact we, as the Western Cape Education Crisis Committee, want more money and resources to be allocated to ensure Free Good Quality Decolonized Education. 
    2,994 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Rosengarten
  • Gauteng youth brigades demand answers
    Bongani Mthembu who also worked as a teacher assistant shares his experiences “we started last year in February under the PYEI program, shared Bongani Mthembu, 34, one of the affected youth brigades. Our contracts ended in December, and we were called to Dobsonville Stadium by the Premier, who assured us that we would remain in contact until the National Government decided on our future. He never told us the contract would end. Some of us are working with kids and teachers who have welcomed us into their schools. We’ve formed bonds with the students and staff, and now we are being forced to leave, Mthembu added. Even my principal called me, saying it’s a heavy-duty since I’ve been gone.” Read more here: https://ekurhuleninews.co.za/affected-youth-brigade-raises-his-concern/ Last month a group of brigades took to the streets to make their demands known and to get the premier to address them. Watch here: https://youtu.be/ncnA-EtnEIw?si=wq3oJ-1hwKPRf-3s&t=39 Add your name to the petition to help us get answers from Panyaza Lesufi. 
    2,069 of 3,000 Signatures
  • Objections to obtaining a liquor licence by ‘The Athena Lounge’ (Jock de Villiers building, Paarl)
    • At first The Athena Lounge did position their new establishment as ‘your ultimate to go sports bar’ on their website, but since 27 September they suddenly changed it to establish 'your local sports restaurant'... Weird? No matter what they will establish, their application for a liquor licence clearly states "The Athene Lounge aims to become the go-to sport pub for passionate rugby and sports fans who want an elevated experience that celebrates both the game and the strength of its supporters, especially women. The business will trade as a sports pub which will also sell food".   • The bar will be established in a residential area according to the municipal zoning map. • In total there will be 3 of the same facilities(bars) in a 300 m stretch on Main Street: Sportsman Tavern, The Athena Lounge, Crown bar. This is more than what we residents can handle. • There will be disturbing noise levels especially because the whole front structure of The Athena Lounge is a shop window (glass) and may not be altered into a soundproof structure. The Jock De Villiers building is heritage protected. • Currently they are testing their sound system causing disturbing noise nuisance. • There will be parking nuisance because there is inadequate parking available on the premises. • There are 2 churches within short range of the establishment. • A greater part of the residents is already experiencing nuisance by guests visiting the Sportsman Tavern: drunken behavior, screaming, loud music, revving cars and motorbikes. • The community has been traumatized by the Sportsman Tavern's years of nuisance. A resident has now filed a lawsuit against the city. • Residents’ complaints to Law Enforcement and the police to come by to deal with the current nuisance of the Sportsmen Tavern are not followed up due to their understaffing. This is confirmed by police officers attending the Community Policing Forum (CPF) meeting on a regular basis. Adding the nuisance The Athena Lounge will cause (100 m. from the Sportmen Tavern), will just make the situation worse. CPF contact: Cpt. Louise Du Plessis 082 850 9614. • Residents will feel more unsafe: there is no acting on behalf of Law Enforcement and the police. People are afraid to encounter drunken guests as they behave aggressively.
    383 of 400 Signatures
  • Tell the Dept of Labour to release UIF funds to the BEEI programme
    After the budget, young people waited for public communication from the Department of Basic Education (DBE) and National Treasury on the next steps for launching a new phase of the PYEI. However, details regarding the next phase were very unclear. Later in March, it was communicated with Youth Capital that the funds for the PES would come from the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF). Unfortunately, many young people fell for scams advertising the next phase; these types of scams are not limited to the BEEI but are more likely to happen in the absence of legitimate information [3]. PYEI and other short-term programmes within PES (Presidential Employment Stimulus) gave so many young people work experience and the opportunity to put food on the table.  Young people want to put food on the table for themselves and their families. This delay is unacceptable! References [1] Minister Enoch Godongwana: 2024 Budget Speech, 21 Feb 2024 [2] STATEMENT: Youth Capital calls for the Dept of Employment & Labout to release the funds for the BEEI, Clotilde Angelucci, for Youth Capital, 27 August 2024 [3] https://x.com/DBE_SA/status/1742662842669752788
    476 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Clotilde Angelucci
  • Stand in solidarity with striking Mister Sweet Workers ✊🏿
    Mister Sweet is punishing us for fighting for a living wage. It has locked us out of the factory and is demanding that we accept the three year wage deal it made with two minority sweetheart unions. The company also started reducing the 7% wage offer from the second day of the strike and will keep on reducing it by 0,5% for every week the strike continues until we are faced with a zero percent increase. Instead of negotiating in good faith, the company seeks to further divide workers by training casuals to replace striking workers. Mister Sweet is also making plans to shift production to Manhattan. On 4 September 2024 Premier FMCG applied for an interdict against the strike. The interdict application will be heard on 10 September 2024.  We, the 23 below organisations, from six provinces, declare that we are boycotting Mister Sweet products because of the ongoing of workers at Mister Sweet. The lowest paid workers at Mr Sweet are paid in the region of R6000 per month. The Pietermaritzburg Economic Justice and Dignity’s Household Affordability Index for August 2024 puts the cost of a basic food basket a month at R5227,14.  With just R6000, workers must struggle to pay for food, transport, healthcare, education, and everything else. The wages that the Mister Sweet bosses pay the workers condemn them to poverty and a struggle to meet their needs.  Workers are demanding R19 500 so that they and their children can lead a dignified life.  When workers wanted to negotiate for a living wage, Mister Sweet didn’t listen. Workers are on strike, and are forcing Mister Sweet to listen. We need to support this through a boycott. It is only united working class action that will pressure Mister Sweet to pay workers a living wage. We ask you to to support our struggle for a living wage, lets unite in the bigger fight to defeat this capitalist system that brings only misery and suffering for the working class. To contribute to the strike fund, do so by depositing using these bank details: Account name: Mr Sweet Strike Solidarity Fund Account  Account number: 10231607308 Standard Bank Issued by Simunye Workers Forum members.
    288 of 300 Signatures
  • Ban Deadly European Pesticides from South African Soil
    This campaign is important because thousands of vulnerable farm workers in South Africa are impacted by exposure to Highly Hazardous Pesticides daily. Farm workers are often made to work in fields with none of the necessary protective gear and frequently have pesticides sprayed over them. As a result, of their exposure to pesticides, many farm workers have been reported to have developed severe asthma, stomach or womb cancer, and other lethal conditions. These conditions go on to prevent farm workers from being able to work and therefore feed their families.  This is why these highly hazardous pesticides are banned from use in the European Union, but unfortunately, due to double standards and weak South African legislation, they are still exported and used on mass across South Africa. 
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christina van Straten
  • We demand the Dept. of Education to release our diplomas!
    “I am a college student, and I have been studying for three years, including in-service training. I applied for a diploma from the Department of Education last year so I can graduate this year. My application has been on the verification process for a long period, and I will miss graduation because the department hasn't finished verifying my application 💔 They told me during a telephone conversation that they don't have the papers to print the diplomas, so they buy them overseas. This is a story of a thousand young people in SA, and we have no voice, some have waited for 5 years, and some even passed away without receiving their diploma’s” - an affected student.   References [1] Questions NW3395 to the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation. By PMG. https://pmg.org.za/committee-question/20482/ [2] Examination certificate backlog challenges and process: Department, Umalusi and State Information Technology Agency briefings. By PMG. https://pmg.org.za/committee-meeting/24019/ [3] Six years in limbo - Elangeni TVET college students miss out on jobs while waiting for qualification studies. By Naledi Sikhakhane for Daily Maverick. 14 February 2024. https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2024-02-14-six-years-in-limbo-elangeni-tvet-college-students-miss-out-on-jobs-while-waiting-for-qualification-certificates/ [4] Taletso TVET college students complain about delay in the issuing of certificates, SABC News. 15 May 2023. https://youtu.be/Q9RwfsM2FYQ?si=VtUZwSTD2AZgVFHD
    520 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Thabisile Miya Picture
  • Investigate Bizana Police Station for corruption
    It is deeply disturbing to live in a community where we feel unsafe and not protected by our own police force. We want Bizana to be free from the high levels of crime and drug infiltration. Last year the community of Mbizana took to the streets, protesting against the high crime rate in the area. The community has been fed up with the high number of murders, rape cases, kidnappings, and drugs [5]. In a recent incident, a 38-year-old magistrate Buliswa Phatho was shot and killed last week, and her husband and two kids were seriously injured. Meanwhile, a Grade 12 Bizana village High School learner, Ntlakanipho Rafana was kidnapped, killed and dumped in a nearby forest. Civil organizations want the police and justice system to intensify their fight against the increasing crime rate in Mbizana. The protest was covered nationally here: https://youtu.be/6tV9unyOUFA?si=JwVDJ84BzN7AQ47f&t=8 References [1]  2 Shootings in KZN, 1 in Eastern Cape, cop among 4 killed. Caxton News. July 15 2024. https://www.citizen.co.za/network-news/lnn/article/2-shootings-in-kzn-1-in-eastern-cape-cop-among-4-killed/ [2] Mbizana Police Officers Nabbed for Corruption and Extortion, by Babalwa Ndlanya for Mthathat Express. 01 December 2023. https://www.news24.com/news24/community-newspaper/mthathaexpress/mbizana-police-officers-nabbed-for-corruption-and-extortion-20221201 [3] Release of Eastern Cape Crime Statistics. By SAPS 09 October 2023. https://www.saps.gov.za/newsroom/msspeechdetail.php?nid=48315 [4] Pensioner raped and body parts removed in horror. By Max Mxabo and Estelle Ellis for Daily Maverick. 30 March 2023. https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2023-03-30-pensioner-raped-and-body-parts-removed-in-horror-murder/ [5] Community of Mbizana protests the high crime rate in the area. SABC News. https://youtu.be/6tV9unyOUFA?si=JwVDJ84BzN7AQ47f&t=8
    68 of 100 Signatures
    1,377 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Melchisedec Shalom
  • Tell South African Government to prioritize Endometriosis patients
    It is extremely important because for too long young girls and women have suffered this chronic disease without getting medical assistance. Women's reproductive organs are badly affected and damaged by this condition. Not only that, it affects them emotionally, relationally psychologically and financially. For most women this condition has led to infertility. Personal testimony: "I was a victim from 13 years of age till I menopaused at 52 recently, from day one of my menstrual cycle I suffered severe pelvic pain and it proceeded to other parts of the body. I was diagnosed at 27 years old with stage 4 endometriosis. At that time I was married and trying to conceive, only to find that my entire reproductive system was damaged. Doctors tried, I conceived several times and miscarried all those pregnancies. Then I suffered 2 ectopic pregnancies. All my children died in the womb because someone downplayed and called "normal" the monthly horrible pains I suffered 14 days of every month without fail" Please add your name to this petition to support the call for early and accurate endometriosis diagnosis.  References [1] The low down on endometriosis. By Samantha Lee-Jacobs for News24. 01 April 2024 https://www.news24.com/news24/community-newspaper/peoples-post/the-low-down-on-endometriosis-20240401 [2]  Endometriosis among African women. By Mecha, E. O., Njagi, J. N., Makunja, R. N., A Omwandho, C. O., K Saunders, P. T., & Horne, A. W. for Reproduction & Fertility, 3(3), C40. https://doi.org/10.1530/RAF-22-0040. July 2022.
    572 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Olga Mkhize