• Save the last remaining District 6 land from alien building developments.
    From 1960 to 1983, the apartheid government forcibly moved 3.5 million black South Africans in one of the largest mass removals of people in modern history. There were several political and economic reasons for these removals. First, during the 1950s and 1960s, large-scale removals of Africans, Indians, and Coloureds were carried out to implement the Group Areas Act, which mandated residential segregation throughout the country. More than 860,000 people were forced to move in order to divide and control racially-separate communities at a time of growing organized resistance to apartheid in urban areas; the removals also worked to the economic detriment of Indian shop owners. Sophiatown in Johannesburg (1955-63) and District Six in Cape Town (beginning in 1968) were among the vibrant multi-racial communities that were destroyed by government bulldozers when these areas were declared "white." District 6 land earmarked for restitution was 150 hectares, but developments on the land have reduced the land to 42 hectares. More is planned to be taken away. By having D6 declared a National Heritage Site stops further encroachment, meant for restitution. It does not stop an appropriate and comprehensive development that speaks to restitution and restoration. Shahied Ajam, director of the District Six Working Committee, says: “The social evils affecting our people today can be attributed to the apartheid legacy, where gangs and drugs are a direct result of people being dispossessed ... and having to defend their territory.”
    1,022 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Horst Kleinschmidt
  • Build another police station in Nyanga, Cape Town
    Community safety is compromised here and we can't keeping seeing the same result in the Crime Stats report. People are increasingly unsafe and our constitutional rights are surely in jeopardy here with the state failing to provide adequate security. Imagine this: a community where people don't have enough space due to overpopulation and informal settlements, a clear breeding ground for many social ills with this ignored problem of ever-increasing crime stats. All of this happening in a City with an impeccable tourism track record and is considered the go-to place around the world. This irony can no longer be ignored. It's in these small actions, i.e. building a much-needed police station that we can start to turn the tide and provide support to the communities that desperately need it. Clearly those in power in this province aren't interested.
    1,421 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nelisa Ngqulana
  • End financial exclusion of students at TUT
    Without the qualification one studies for many doors remain inaccessible to the students who cannot afford to settle account while they have academically qualified to graduate. If the purpose of our nations creation was meant to usher in an age where social caveats become meaningless & society is developed by empowering those who were previously left out of the development of their fatherland then surely denying access to someone whose single mother might have been able to pay their fees but falls short because of the death or insolvency of a parent or guardian; should that person continue to live in the shadow of poverty accepting any menial work while depriving the nation of an educated and industrious talent? Surely our nation can do better by a youth who offers so much promise for tomorrow; and surely a youth whose only solemn plea to its government and institutions of higher learning remains steadfast and sincere in the acquisition of education which is meant to benefit the entire society regardless of race, class, gender, religion, sexual orientation or whatever artificial social constructs that stop us from looking at people as they are; people. The promises made to the parents of my generation are now long overdue; our youth need their society to raise them up because without our youth in a position towards social mobility the continued degeneration of our nation is a gurantee. Economic apartheid needs to be abolished so that no more African children have to feel outcasts in the land of their birth based only on the commas and numbers on their academic records instead of the fortitude of the discipline it took to achieve these qualifications amidst strenuous circumstances. We can no longer turn our backs on the vulnerable members of our society and expect them to fend for themselves and then wonder why crime, murder, drug abuse and the like continue to adversely affect SA's youth. The time for change is NOW!
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sbu Karim Napaai
  • Stop Racism at Pretoria Girls High
    Right now, learners at Pretoria High school are demanding that racist practices at the school are brought to an end. Girls attending the school have been forced to straighten their hair; are accused of conspiring when standing in groups and face other intolerable comments and actions. We stand in solidarity with the learners, who marched at the school on the 26th to say enough is enough. It is unacceptable that in a country in which Black people are a demographic majority, we still today continue to be expected to pander to whiteness and to have it enforced through school policy. Black children should be allowed to just be children, without being burdened with having to assert their humanity.
    32,498 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by Koketso Moeti
  • Pay the Kruger National Park Claimants NOW!
    Claimants rights are important to correct the injustice of the past. Some claimants have died not seeing justice, among them, the great Chief Muyexe.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cynthia Gobrin
  • Stop Anderson promoting hate speech in South Africa
    Steven Anderson is a well-known spewer of hate speech against specifically the LGBTI community as this article attests to. http://www.addictinginfo.org/2016/06/24/watch-anti-gay-pastor-who-wants-to-kill-them-all-gets-bad-news-and-throws-massive-temper-tantrum/ Southern Law Poverty Center deemed Anderson and his church, Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ, a hate group. Also, the Secret Service was out to Anderson's house to question him because he and his church prayed for Obama's death. He is coming to Kempton Park to bring his unique brand of hate to South Africa, and this cannot be tolerated or allowed as LGBTI rights are protected by the Constitution, and there is already enough homophobia the flames of which do not need fanning. This is not a petition against Christianity, but against using Christianity as an excuse to call for the death of a certain sector of society and to spread a message of hate and intolerance. GaySA Radio is taking the lead on this and asking everybody who stands for peace and love to sign this petition. We are calling on all LGBTI organisations as well as Human Rights Organisations, as well as the South African public at large and the international community to show their support. www.gaysaradio.co.za For live updates listen to http://gaysaradio.ndstream.net
    209 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Gay SA Radio
  • 34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Khomotso Ntuli
  • Solidarity with #ThisFlag #FreePastorEvan stop police brutality
    As South Africans, we have a limited understanding of the complex issues facing Zimbabwe, but what we do know is that the struggle against injustice and inequality cannot prevail if citizen voices are silenced. Last week's national stay-away and subsequent protests in response to government corruption, wage disputes and import and export bans, among others, have been met by severe police brutality, the intimidation and arrest of journalists and protesters and internet censorship. Pastor Evan Mawarire, who has been leading the #ThisFlag movement, has also been arrested and charged with inciting violence and disturbing the peace. We can no longer remain silent about the conditions facing our brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe. Lets stand together and support the demands of the #ZimShutDown2016 and #ThisFlag movements. Sign and share this petition as a show of African solidarity!
    154 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Concerned South Africans
  • Save Funda Community College
    Funda Community College was founded 30 years ago by Professor Eskia Mphahlele. This erstwhile prestigious institution housed a number of organisations which formed part of an Education Cooperative at the time. These organisations were: The Council for Black Education and Research, the Community Development Projects Association, the African Institute of Art, the Madimba Institute of African Music, the Soyikwa Institute of African Theater, and the Part-Time University Students Association. These organisations collectively made Funda Centre to become a critical institution that brought about transformation in education and played an important role in the development of the Arts in Black communities of Soweto and other surrounding townships like Sebokeng, Sharpeville, Alexandra, Katlehong, Mamelodi etc.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Amandla.mobi Member
  • Indian Civil Society under attack
    Lawyers Collective is a well-respected legal organisation that advances human rights in India, including women’s rights, the rights of people living with HIV and the right of access to affordable medicines. Lawyers Collective plays an important role in advancing the constitutionally-entrenched rights of the most vulnerable and marginalised sections of society. A number of key civil society organisations in South Africa have worked with Lawyers Collective for many years to advance the rights entrenched in the South African Constitution, including important work to promote non-discrimination and protect the human rights of people living with HIV. Lawyers Collective has been absolutely instrumental in ensuring that the environment that enables India to continue to be the Pharmacy of the Developing World is maintained, even in the face of serious external pressures on India to deviate from its historical pro-public health stance. Through its work, vulnerable people in both India and South Africa (among others) have had access to life-saving medicines that they would not otherwise have been able to afford. [1] “Human rights defenders and civil society must have the ability to do their important job without being subjected to increased limitations on their access to foreign funding and the undue suspension of their registration on the basis of burdensome administrative requirements imposed to those organizations in receipt of foreign funds,” the UN human rights experts concluded. - See more at http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=20112&LangID=E#sthash.eHvoNyDl.dpuf
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Concerned civil society members
  • Stop drugs trade in Rosettenville, JHB-South
    We see everyday the dangers of drugs and the ripple effect they have on our already deteriorating psycho-socio-economic conditions. If we do not do anything about it, it will only get worse. The future of our beloved country lies boldly in our kids, very astonishingly. We must fight this war on drugs. This brings me to the most vital and painful truth, "Lelilizwe lizobuswa yizinyoni..."
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mandla Masuku
  • Remove racist Sodwana Bay Guesthouse listing from your website
    An unapologetic racist says “blacks and government workers” are not allowed to stay at his guest house because “it’s God's law” to segregate people by race. André Slate, the owner of Sodwana Bay Guest House in KwaZulu-Natal, made this declaration when responding to a booking enquiry sent by Sizakele Msimango on Wednesday. “We do not accommodate blacks or government employees any longer,” he stated in an email [1] [1] http://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/kwazulu-natal/racist-claims-segregation-is-gods-law-2037681
    1,550 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by amandla.mobi member Picture